Sunday, October 5, 2008

What am i thinking

Okay what am i thinking? I can not stop my mind from going all the time, I think sometimes it prevents me from sleeping. I want to do so much and yet do nothing at the same moment. I feel like two people in one. I wish I could get all the stuff in my head out of it, maybe put it on paper or (hard drive) which ever is appropriate nowadays. Most of the time I just fight myself. Does anybody else? Or am I all alone in this. Boy I am very complicated, I even amaze myself. I am a Mom and I wonder if my kids have inherited my insanity, or perhaps just by living with me it will rub off on them. My hubby gratefully puts up with me, I think in his own masochistic way he loves me (ha, ha). Please excuse my grammar as never bothered to finish high school, I could not do it, it just was not for me. I just went to junior college, got involved with a man that would end up trying to destroy me and my child, and then to top it off I didn't even graduate from their either. You know looking back I am surprised that I made it all, at least in one piece. Maybe that is where this insanity comes from, maybe I am in multiple pieces and I don't even know it. Maybe I am just like humpty dumpty only in a female human form. Oh I don't know I am rambling again. I am the way I am. Insane and all, If only I could get this crap out of my head. GET OUT OF MY HEAD. I'm not sure if screaming is the answer, but sometimes it feels good.